Rifondazione per la sinistra

Un manifesto per la rifondazione

Mobilitazione contro la privatizzazione della scuola pubblica

Posted by carbonetti battistino su 15 settembre 2008

Appello alla mobilitazione contro la privatizzazione della Scuola Pubblica
in difesa della libertà d’insegnamento e dei diritti dei lavoratori




90 Risposte to “Mobilitazione contro la privatizzazione della scuola pubblica”

  1. elisa said

    La destra ha vinto nel nostro paese non solo grazie ai demeriti di un centro-sinistra frammentato, litigioso e senza un progetto politico chiaro ma soprattutto perché ha saputo imporre la sua cultura attraverso i media ed in particolare la televisione. Ora per vincere ancora ed a lungo, c’è bisogno di attaccare la scuola perché essa è cultura, istruzione , democrazia. Questo governo è contro la scuola pubblica statale perché essa è un luogo che dovrebbe dare uguali opportunità, anzi ad ogni bambino secondo i propri bisogni ,inoltre educa alla pluralità delle idee ed ha lavoratori che non si fanno comprare.
    L’egemonia culturale va formata da piccoli , a scuola non si deve esercitare la cittadinanza e la partecipazione, occorre imparare ad ubbidire ; la scuola non deve insegnare ,educare quando i bambini od i ragazzi sbagliano, deve punire, magari con un 5 in condotta.
    Inoltre in una cultura di criminalizzazione del diverso che porta a prendere le impronte digitali ai bambini rom, visti come sporchi e cattivi , occorre imporre la visione di tanti scolaretti , meglio se di razza padana, tutti belli con un grembiule magari disegnato dalle più prestigiose case di moda.
    La visione della scuola delle destra è classista: la scuola deve favorire le classi abbienti, quella pubblica deve costare sempre meno e per questo si limiterà ad offrire poche e inadeguate conoscenze, senza tenere minimamente conto delle nuove e crescenti esigenze formative dei bambini in una società sempre più complessa Ed allora si costruisce una scuola per ricchi e un’altra scuola per poveri. La scuola pubblica statale garantirà il minimo a tutti, chi ha i mezzi troverà l’eccellenza altrove.
    In questa ottica il Governo con la legge 133 prevede per il prossimo triennio un taglio di circa 130.000 posti, tra personale docente (87.000) e Ata (43.000).Ciò provocherà la riduzione dell’orario e del tempo scuola ,compresi il tempo pieno e quello prolungato, l’aumento del numero degli alunni per classe, la riduzione del sostegno. Aumenterà il numero di alunni per classe anche in presenza di alunni diversamente abili, saranno chiuse molte scuole soprattutto nei piccoli comuni.
    Il ritorno dal 2009 al Maestro unico nella scuola elementare sancito dall’art 4 del decreto 137 cancellerà i moduli ed il tempo pieno portando indietro la scuola primaria che tutti gli indicatori internazionali riconoscono come una tra le più qualificate del mondo.. Questa norma priverà gli alunni dell’attività di ricerca e di approfondimento.Non saranno più garantiti l’inserimento e l’integrazione dei bambini con carenze , di quelli diversamente abili e di quelli stranieri che hanno difficoltà per cultura o lingua diversa.
    Inoltre una norma della manovra economica per il 2009 stabilisce che l’obbligo scolastico si possa assolvere anche nei corsi di formazione professionale privati per i quali non sarà più necessario seguire i programmi nazionali né rispettare alcuni standard minimi di qualità.
    E non è ancora finita. Adesso ci aspetta il ddl dell’on. Aprea che prevede per la scuola un sistema scolastico pubblico formato da istituti pubblici, fondazioni e scuole private paritarie. Le famiglie avranno libertà di scelta fra le possibili offerte che, essendo tutte pubbliche, potranno beneficiare di finanziamenti statali. Riconoscendo le scuole paritarie ,le scuole-fondazioni e le scuole statali, tutte come scuola pubblica, si vuole aggirare l’art. 33 della Costituzione italiana che recita “Enti e privati hanno il diritto di istituire scuole ed istituti di educazione, senza oneri per lo Stato”.In tal modo si finanzierà sempre di più la scuola privata togliendo risorse alla scuola statale , l’unica in grado di garantire pluralità di vedute
    Dimostriamo con un gesto fortemente simbolico la nostra tristezza e contrarietà: andiamo tutti a scuola il primo giorno con un segno nero di lutto! Già 350 scuole in Italia hanno aderito a questa iniziativa.
    La Nuova Sinistra

  2. mau68-sciopero nazionale! said

    per la proclamazione immediata dello SCIOPERO NAZIONALE DELLA SCUOLA

    Il governo Berlusconi ha deciso di realizzare gran parte dei risparmi di spesa ai danni della scuola pubblica. Nei prossimi tre anni, a fronte di un continuo aumento del numero degli alunni, si vogliono tagliare 8 miliardi di euro, sopprimendo 130.000 posti di docenti e ata che, sommati ai 25.000 già tagliati in due anni dal governo Prodi, fanno in tutto 155.000 unità.

    I tagli verranno attuati aumentando il numero di allievi per classe, chiudendo gli istituti più piccoli e
    diminuendo le ore di lezione. Per la scuola elementare sono previste 24 ore settimanali, il che significa lo smantellamento del tempo pieno, che si somma alla scomparsa del tempo prolungato alle medie, mentre una commissione governativa sta valutando quante ore tagliare nelle superiori. Gli alunni si ritroveranno in scuole grandi, distanti ed affollate, mentre i lavoratori della scuola opereranno in condizioni sempre più difficili. Verranno sacrificate le preziose professionalità di decine di migliaia di precari mentre il sistema scolastico italiano dovrà riassorbire 800.000 alunni.

    In qualsiasi altra categoria queste misure avrebbero comportato da parte delle direzioni sindacali immediate misure di lotta. Assistiamo invece ad una preoccupante passività. Cosa si aspetta a proclamare lo sciopero? Non possiamo assistere alla devastazione del sistema di istruzione statale e alla perdita di decine di migliaia di posti di lavoro, senza far niente. I sottoscritti chiedono alle direzioni sindacali di proclamare lo sciopero nazionale della scuola subito, prima che alcuni dei provvedimenti legislativi in scadenza vengano definitivamente approvati dal Parlamento e prima che venga approvato dal governo il disegno di legge finanziaria 2009.

    Luigi Ambrosi (iscritto FLC, CD v.Ravenna)
    Carlo Avossa (RSU FLC, CD 1 Senago)
    Giancarlo Benazzi (RSU Itsos Steiner, Milano)
    Mariangela Casalucci (FLC Grecia)
    Silvana Conedera (RSU FLC IP Pacinotti-Ferraris, Milano)
    Michele Corsi (iscritto FLC Itsos Steiner, Milano)
    Roberto Davò (RSU FLC SMS Levi-Masih, Milano)
    Luigi Destri (delegato FLC CD 3 Paderno Dugnano)
    Elena Miglietta (iscritta CISL, CD v.Martinengo, Milano)
    Danilo Molinari (RSU FLC IIS Gadda, Paderno D.)
    Laura Petermaier (RSU FLC ITC Verri Milano)
    Mario Piemontese (RSU FLC LS Marconi, Milano)
    Serena Raffa (iscritta FLC ITC Verri, Milano)
    Emilio Rigotti (RSU FLC ITIS Curie, Milano)
    Roberta Roberti (FLC, Parma)
    Vera Seregni (RSU FLC CD 3 Paderno Dugnano)
    Marinella Stangherlin (iscritta FLC Milano)
    Maurizio Tassoni (iscritto FLC SMS “Rinascita” Milano)

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  3. mau68-sciopero nazionale! said

    per la proclamazione immediata dello SCIOPERO NAZIONALE DELLA SCUOLA

    Il governo Berlusconi ha deciso di realizzare gran parte dei risparmi di spesa ai danni della scuola pubblica. Nei prossimi tre anni, a fronte di un continuo aumento del numero degli alunni, si vogliono tagliare 8 miliardi di euro, sopprimendo 130.000 posti di docenti e ata che, sommati ai 25.000 già tagliati in due anni dal governo Prodi, fanno in tutto 155.000 unità.

    I tagli verranno attuati aumentando il numero di allievi per classe, chiudendo gli istituti più piccoli e
    diminuendo le ore di lezione. Per la scuola elementare sono previste 24 ore settimanali, il che significa lo smantellamento del tempo pieno, che si somma alla scomparsa del tempo prolungato alle medie, mentre una commissione governativa sta valutando quante ore tagliare nelle superiori. Gli alunni si ritroveranno in scuole grandi, distanti ed affollate, mentre i lavoratori della scuola opereranno in condizioni sempre più difficili. Verranno sacrificate le preziose professionalità di decine di migliaia di precari mentre il sistema scolastico italiano dovrà riassorbire 800.000 alunni.

    In qualsiasi altra categoria queste misure avrebbero comportato da parte delle direzioni sindacali immediate misure di lotta. Assistiamo invece ad una preoccupante passività. Cosa si aspetta a proclamare lo sciopero? Non possiamo assistere alla devastazione del sistema di istruzione statale e alla perdita di decine di migliaia di posti di lavoro, senza far niente. I sottoscritti chiedono alle direzioni sindacali di proclamare lo sciopero nazionale della scuola subito, prima che alcuni dei provvedimenti legislativi in scadenza vengano definitivamente approvati dal Parlamento e prima che venga approvato dal governo il disegno di legge finanziaria 2009.

    Luigi Ambrosi (iscritto FLC, CD v.Ravenna)
    Carlo Avossa (RSU FLC, CD 1 Senago)
    Giancarlo Benazzi (RSU Itsos Steiner, Milano)
    Mariangela Casalucci (FLC Grecia)
    Silvana Conedera (RSU FLC IP Pacinotti-Ferraris, Milano)
    Michele Corsi (iscritto FLC Itsos Steiner, Milano)
    Roberto Davò (RSU FLC SMS Levi-Masih, Milano)
    Luigi Destri (delegato FLC CD 3 Paderno Dugnano)
    Elena Miglietta (iscritta CISL, CD v.Martinengo, Milano)
    Danilo Molinari (RSU FLC IIS Gadda, Paderno D.)
    Laura Petermaier (RSU FLC ITC Verri Milano)
    Mario Piemontese (RSU FLC LS Marconi, Milano)
    Serena Raffa (iscritta FLC ITC Verri, Milano)
    Emilio Rigotti (RSU FLC ITIS Curie, Milano)
    Roberta Roberti (FLC, Parma)
    Vera Seregni (RSU FLC CD 3 Paderno Dugnano)
    Marinella Stangherlin (iscritta FLC Milano)
    Maurizio Tassoni (iscritto FLC SMS “Rinascita” Milano)
    Maurizio Pucci (iscritto FLC Massa Carrara)

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  4. anna maria said

    ho inviato una mail di adesione

  5. elisa said

    E non è ancora finita.
    Nei prossimi giorni la Gelmini presenterà l’ art. 64 della legge 133/2008 che non prevede solo il ritorno al maestro unico e la riduzione degli orari di lezione.
    Ritornano infatti gli anticipi nella scuola dell’infanzia che erano stati abrogati dal governo Prodi e quelli nella scuola primaria con le Sezioni primavera
    Oltre al maestro unico per le classi di scuola primaria a 24 ore settimanali, nelle classi funzionanti con orario più lungo viene prevista la figura del docente con funzione tutoriale che la contrattazione di scuola era riuscito a combattere
    Gli istituti tecnici e professionali passeranno da 36 a 32 ore settimanali.
    Saranno ridotti gli attuali indirizzi di studio nella secondaria superiore
    Sembra infine che la Germini abbia l’intenzione di ridurre il percorso scolastico dai 13 anni attuali a 12 come era previsto nella prima versione della riforma Moratti
    Povera scuola italiana, oggetto di tagli da parte di ogni governo! Come si può costruire la società della Conoscenza togliendo risorse all’istruzione?
    Come è possibile che ogni Governo voglia mettere mano a quello che è un patrimonio di tutti i cittadini e che imponga con la forza la sua scuola!

  6. mau68-sciopero nazionale! said

    La profezia di Calamandrei su come stravolgere l’art. 33 della Costituzione: ovvero come distruggere la scuola pubblica

    Pubblicato da


    Quando la scuola pubblica è cosa forte e sicura, allora, ma allora soltanto, la scuola privata non è pericolosa. Allora, ma allora soltanto, la scuola privata può essere un bene. Può essere un bene che forze private, iniziative pedagogiche di classi, di gruppi religiosi, di gruppi politici, di filosofie, di correnti culturali,

    cooperino con lo Stato ad allargare, a stimolare, e a rinnovare con varietà di tentativi la cultura. Al diritto della famiglia, che è consacrato in un altro articolo della Costituzione, nell’articolo 30, di istruire e di educare i figli, corrisponde questa opportunità che deve essere data alle famiglie di far frequentare ai loro figlioli scuole di loro gradimento e quindi di permettere la istituzione di scuole che meglio corrispondano con certe garanzie che ora vedremo alle preferenze politiche, religiose, culturali di quella famiglia.

    Ma rendiamoci ben conto che mentre la scuola pubblica è espressione di unità, di coesione, di uguaglianza civica, la scuola privata è espressione di varietà, che può voler dire eterogeneità di correnti decentratrici, che lo Stato deve impedire che divengano correnti disgregatrici.

    La scuola privata, in altre parole, non è creata per questo.

    La scuola della Repubblica, la scuola dello Stato, non è la scuola di una filosofia, di una religione, di un partito, di una setta. Quindi, perché le scuole private sorgendo possano essere un bene e non un pericolo, occorre: che lo Stato le sorvegli e le controlli e che sia neutrale, imparziale tra esse. Che non favorisca un gruppo di scuole private a danno di altre. Che le scuole private corrispondano a certi requisiti minimi di serietà di organizzazione.

    Solamente in questo modo e in altri più precisi, che tra poco dirò, si può avere il vantaggio della coesistenza della scuola pubblica con la scuola privata. La gara cioè tra le scuole statali e le private.

    Che si stabilisca una gara tra le scuole pubbliche e le scuole private, in modo che lo Stato da queste scuole private che sorgono, e che eventualmente possono portare idee e realizzazioni che finora nelle scuole pubbliche non c’erano, si senta stimolato a far meglio, a rendere, se mi sia permessa l’espressione, “più ottime” le propri scuole. Stimolo dunque deve essere la scuola privata allo Stato, non motivo di abdicazione. Ci siano pure scuole di partito o scuole di chiesa.

    Ma lo Stato le deve sorvegliare, le deve regolare; le deve tenere nei loro limiti e deve riuscire a far meglio di loro. La scuola di Stato, insomma, deve essere una garanzia, perché non si scivoli in quello che sarebbe la fine della scuola e forse la fine della democrazia e della libertà, cioè nella scuola di partito. Come si fa a istituire in un paese la scuola di partito? Si può fare in due modi. Uno è quello del totalitarismo aperto, confessato. Lo abbiamo esperimentato, ahimè. Credo che tutti qui ve ne ricordiate,

    quantunque molta gente non se ne ricordi più. Lo abbiamo sperimentato sotto il fascismo. Tutte le scuole diventano scuole di Stato: la scuola privata non è più permessa, ma lo Stato diventa un partito e quindi tutte le scuole sono scuole di Stato, ma per questo sono anche scuole di partito. Ma c’è un’altra forma per arrivare a trasformare la scuola di Stato in scuola di partito o di setta. Il totalitarismo subdolo, indiretto, torpido, come certe polmoniti torpide che vengono senza febbre, ma che sono pericolosissime. Facciamo l’ipotesi, così astrattamente, che ci sia un partito al potere, un partito dominante, il quale però formalmente vuole rispettare la Costituzione, non la vuole violare in sostanza. Non vuol fare la marcia su Roma e trasformare l’aula in alloggiamento per i manipoli; ma vuol istituire, senza parere, una larvata dittatura. Allora, che cosa fare per impadronirsi delle scuole e per trasformare le scuole di Stato in scuole di partito? Si accorge che le scuole di Stato hanno il difetto di essere imparziali. C’è una certa resistenza; in quelle scuole c’è sempre, perfino sotto il fascismo c’è stata. Allora, il partito dominante segue un’altra strada (è tutta un’ipotesi teorica, intendiamoci). Comincia a trascurare le scuole pubbliche, a screditarle, ad impoverirle. Lascia che si anemizzino e comincia a favorire le scuole private. Non tutte le scuole private. Le scuole del suo partito, di quel partito. Ed allora tutte le cure cominciano ad andare a queste scuole private. Cure di denaro e di privilegi. Si comincia persino a consigliare i ragazzi ad andare a queste scuole, perché in fondo sono migliori si dice di quelle di Stato. E magari si danno dei premi, come ora vi dirò, o si propone di dare dei premi a quei cittadini che saranno disposti a mandare i loro figlioli invece che alle scuole pubbliche alle scuole private. A “quelle” scuole private. Gli esami sono più facili, si studia meno e si riesce meglio.

    Così la scuola privata diventa una scuola privilegiata. Il partito dominante, non potendo trasformare apertamente le scuole di Stato in scuole di partito, manda in malora le scuole di Stato per dare la prevalenza alle sue scuole private. Attenzione, amici, in questo convegno questo è il punto che bisogna discutere. Attenzione, questa è la ricetta. Bisogna tener d’occhio i cuochi di questa bassa cucina. L’operazione si fa in tre modi: ve l’ho già detto: rovinare le scuole di Stato. Lasciare che vadano in malora. Impoverire i loro bilanci. Ignorare i loro bisogni. Attenuare la sorveglianza e il controllo sulle scuole private. Non controllarne la serietà. Lasciare che vi insegnino insegnanti che non hanno i titoli minimi per insegnare. Lasciare che gli esami siano burlette. Dare alle scuole private denaro pubblico. Questo è il punto. Dare alle scuole private denaro pubblico!

    Quest’ultimo è il metodo più pericoloso. » la fase più pericolosa di tutta l’operazione […]. Questo dunque è il punto, è il punto più pericoloso del metodo. Denaro di tutti i cittadini, di tutti i contribuenti, di tutti i credenti nelle diverse religioni, di tutti gli appartenenti ai diversi partiti, che invece viene destinato ad alimentare le scuole di una sola religione, di una sola setta, di un solo partito […].

    Per prevedere questo pericolo, non ci voleva molta furberia. Durante la Costituente, a prevenirlo nell’art. 33 della Costituzione fu messa questa disposizione: “Enti e privati hanno diritto di istituire scuole ed istituti di educazione senza onere per lo Stato”. Come sapete questa formula nacque da un compromesso; e come tutte le formule nate da compromessi, offre il destro, oggi, ad interpretazioni sofistiche […]. Ma poi c’è un’altra questione che è venuta fuori, che dovrebbe permettere di raggirare la legge. Si tratta di ciò che noi giuristi chiamiamo la “frode alla legge”, che è quel quid che i clienti chiedono ai causidici di pochi scrupoli, ai quali il cliente si rivolge per sapere come può violare la legge figurando di osservarla […]. E venuta così fuori l’idea dell’assegno familiare, dell’assegno familiare scolastico. Il ministro dell’Istruzione al Congresso Internazionale degli Istituti Familiari, disse: la scuola privata deve servire a “stimolare” al massimo le spese non statali per l’insegnamento, ma non bisogna escludere che anche lo Stato dia sussidi alle scuole private. Però aggiunse: pensate, se un padre vuol mandare il suo figliolo alla scuola privata, bisogna che paghi tasse. E questo padre è un cittadino che ha già pagato come contribuente la sua tassa per partecipare alla spesa che lo Stato eroga per le scuole pubbliche. Dunque questo povero padre deve pagare due volte la tassa. Allora a questo benemerito cittadino che vuole mandare il figlio alla scuola privata, per sollevarlo da questo doppio onere, si dà un assegno familiare. Chi vuol mandare un suo figlio alla scuola privata, si rivolge quindi allo Stato ed ha un sussidio, un assegno […]. Il mandare il proprio figlio alla scuola privata è un diritto, lo dice la Costituzione, ma è un diritto il farselo pagare? » un diritto che uno, se vuole, lo esercita, ma a proprie spese. Il cittadino che vuole mandare il figlio alla scuola privata, se la paghi, se no lo mandi alla scuola pubblica. Per portare un paragone, nel campo della giustizia si potrebbe fare un discorso simile. Voi sapete come per ottenere giustizia ci sono i giudici pubblici; peraltro i cittadini, hanno diritto di fare decidere le loro controversie anche dagli arbitri. Ma l’arbitrato costa caro, spesso costa centinaia di migliaia di lire. Eppure non è mai venuto in mente a un cittadino, che preferisca ai giudici pubblici l’arbitrato, di rivolgersi allo Stato per chiedergli un sussidio allo scopo di pagarsi gli arbitri! […]. Dunque questo giuoco degli assegni familiari sarebbe, se fosse adottato, una specie di incitamento pagato a disertare le scuole dello Stato e quindi un modo indiretto di favorire certe scuole, un premio per chi manda i figli in certe scuole private dove si fabbricano non i cittadini e neanche i credenti in una certa religione, che può essere cosa rispettabile, ma si fabbricano gli elettori di un certo partito […].

    Piero Calamandrei

    discorso pronunciato al III Congresso in difesa della Scuola nazionale

    Roma 11 febbraio 1950

  7. elisa said

    Grazie Mau68 per aver riportato il discorso di Calamandrei pubblicato dal Comitato Bolognese di Scuola e Costituzione.
    L’ho messo anche nel blog La Nuova Sinistra in un articolo in cui parlo dell’egemonia culturale della destra.

  8. elisa said

    La scuola elementare (oggi primaria) è il sistema formativo dove è possibile ancora intervenire sulle differenze culturali di tipo familiare degli alunni con l’attivazione di un’offerta formativa diversificata a seconda dei bisogni di ognuno. Il ritorno al maestro unico invece taglia gli organici e gli orari determinando modelli scolastici dequalificati che prevedono un percorso comune impoverito a cui si potranno aggiungere attività facoltative per gli alunni tipo “doposcuola” . Il tempo pieno che la Gelmini dice di voler difendere anziché essere un’offerta formativa unitaria strutturata nell’arco della giornata diventa un momento educativo frammentato come era quello della Moratti · Si tratta di un’impostazione che ha come obiettivi quello di creare anche nell’istruzione e nella formazione quello che è il modello di società di questo governo: il servizio pubblico nella scuola come nella sanità deve diventare più “leggero” ; lo stato deve offrire “livelli essenziali”, la qualità si deve ricercare nel privato , a pagamento Una scuola che funzioni deve : 1. dare ad ogni bambino e ragazzo non solo pari opportunità ma secondo i propri bisogni affinché non uno sia perduto; 2. garantire a tutti la qualità dei saperi e l’acquisizione delle competenze , elementi fondamentali per fare dei bambini e dei ragazzi futuri buoni tecnici, professionisti o dirigenti, ma soprattutto cittadini consapevoli

  9. mau68- said

    Comunicato del « Manifesto dei 500 » del 17 settembre 2008

    Ieri, 16 settembre 2008, 400 delegati RSU, militanti sindacali e insegnanti si sono riuniti in assemblea a Torino su appello delle direzioni provinciali di CGIL-CISL-UIL.
    Il grande successo di questa assemblea, con delegazioni venute da tutta la provincia, dimostra da solo la grande volontà di mobilitarsi ora, subito, per il ritiro dei provvedimenti varati e in preparazione da parte del ministro Gelmini e del governo.
    Tutti gli interventi hanno espresso una posizione chiara e netta: ad un simile attacco non si può che rispondere con la stessa forza opposta, e cioè con uno sciopero nazionale unito di tutti i sindacati, con la richiesta del ritiro dei provvedimenti, con la mobilitazione in ogni città.
    Molti interventi hanno sottolineato come si sia aspettato già fin troppo tempo a proclamare questo sciopero, altri hanno detto che andava fatto il primo giorno di scuola.
    Altri hanno messo in evidenza come tutta la società, tutti i lavoratori siano preoccupati per ciò che sta succedendo e siano pronti a mobilitarsi per la difesa della scuola pubblica.
    È stata fatta da tutti la proposta di organizzare a Torino una grande manifestazione di piazza e di rivolgersi alle direzioni nazionali dei sindacati perchè lo sciopero venga proclamato subito.
    « La Stampa » titola oggi: « Maestre all’attacco, sciopero subito ».
    In effetti, ad un certo punto la sala è esplosa in un solo slogan: « Sciopero ! Sciopero ! ».
    Non c’è tempo, è stato detto, non si può perdere tempo.
    Altri interventi, tra cui quelli dei dirigenti provinciali, hanno sottolineato l’importanza di informare bene la popolazione, gli insegnanti, tutti gli ordini di scuola su quello che sta succedendo per organizzare una mobilitazione davvero grande.
    In questo senso l’assemblea ha votato di costituire comitati in tutte le scuole, allargare l’informazione e darsi appuntamento per una nuova riunione generale il 25 settembre, ore 17, presso il teatro della scuola Ada Negri (v. A. Negri angolo via Gorizia) per decidere la data della manifestazione cittadina e fare il punto sulla richiesta dello sciopero generale.
    Nel momento in cui stiamo per realizzare, insieme al Coordinamento Genitori, l’assemblea generale degli insegnanti e dei genitori (questa sera, ore 20.45, sala GAM di Torino, corso Galileo Ferraris 30), noi diciamo: SI’, è urgente la convocazione dello sciopero generale per il ritiro di tutti i provvedimenti. SI’, questo sciopero deve essere unito, non si possono ripetere gli errori del passato. SI’, questo sciopero va organizzato in tutte le scuole, bisogna preparalo, informare gli insegnanti, i genitori e tutti i cittadini. E per questo siamo d’accordo a costituire comitati in ogni scuola con lo scopo di preparare fin d’ora lo sciopero nazionale e di trovarci il 25, nell’unità con i sindacati, per convocare una grande manifestazione a Torino che prepari a sua volta lo sciopero.

    « Manifesto dei 500 », 17 settembre 2008






    Gli ultimi provvedimenti del governo di destra rischiano di dare un colpo decisivo alla scuola pubblica italiana.
    I tagli delle risorse finanziarie, la riduzione del personale scolastico e docente, la canalizzaione improduttiva dei fondi si traducono nel ritorno al maestro unico, nella chiusura delle attività dei centri territoriali, nella mancata assegnazione dell’insegnate di sostegno, nella pepetuazione del precariato nella scuola.
    Ordine e contenimento della spesa sono le premesse per accellerare la privatizzazione della scuola senza curarsi che la modernità richiede una nuova scuola fatta di programmi moderni, di figure specialistiche, di attività collaterali che qualificano l’attività educativa e l’istruzione.
    Senza una scuola avanzata non ci potrà essere buona cittadinanza, senza una scuola qualificata l’Italia resterà fuori dai paesi che oggi esercitano un ruolo mondiale perché estromessa dal progresso culturale e scientifico. Senza una scuola efficace ci sarà una società ingiusta e senza identità in balia di culture mondiali dominanti che ci rendono subalterni.
    I nostri figli dovrenno essere i nuovi attori del loro tempo con una presenza attiva e protagonista.


    – Detinare maggiori risorse alla scuola pubblica per rilanciare il suo ruolo trainante nei confronti delle altre agenzie educative quali la famiglia, i mass-media e la tecnologia.

    – Retribuire in modo adeguato i docenti e ripristinare i moduli educativi della scuola primaria.

    – Procedere alla stabilizzazione del personale precario e all’assegnazione del personale di sostegno garantendo i processi di integrazione scolastica e di inclusione culturale.

    – Avviare corsi di alta formazione che puntino a specializzare le figure docenti nelle diverse discipline scientifiche e tecnologiche.




  11. {Nice keyboard. Indeed useful. But I found a flow, that when not in use, the addon unnecessarily increases the length of the phone and the full body slider ring will be bad for antenna.Instead why not just put a rubber top keyboard, which can be pushed at the back of the phone when not in use, and bring it to top when u want to use it. No slide, but just a piece of rubber. Can you design it ?|Hi Aditi, thanks for the comment.the explanation below could be helpful. When the slider closed, the Qwerty add-on just adds a centimeter to the phone’s length. Refer the side view of the qwerty.the full body is actually a case to protect the phone and the slider rail starts from below the screen.So wont affect the antenna. In fact, it will remove the iphone 4 reception issues as apple is also offering the same kind of bumper case .With no offense to your idea, correct me if I am wrong- When you are talking about “the rubber keyboard” u refer to silicone keyboard which are generally flexible . Sure I can design that but it will be loppy kind of a thing and wont be steady. besides they have a very small life. and doesn’t even give a good feel to the user and wont blend very well with the Iphone.thanks a lot for your valuable feedback. Feel free to comment.|This a truly great post and may be one that you should followed up to see what happensA mate e-mailed this link the other day and I will be desperately hoping for your next write. Keep on on the perfect work.|Received your blog post via msn the other day and absolutely think its great. Keep up this fantastic work.|A truely remarkable idea! Would buy it as soon as it hits the market! Please let us know if and when this product becomes available!!!|Hi friend. My partner and i seriously enjoy the article as well as your current webpage all in all! Your posting is actually incredibly clearly composed as well as very easily understandable. The WP design is awesome as well! Would definitely be fantastic to learn where I are able obtain it. Please hold up the very good job. We need much more these types of web masters just like you on the internet and much less spammers. Excellent mate!|I like this design can you make one for the ipod touch? i see little modification to add a headset jack!|Any progress getting a patent or manufacturing? I can deal with the onscreen keyboard but my typing with a physical keyboard is SO much better. Would love a simple design like this or a landscape version which flips open and acts as a cover when closed.thanks!|I’ve been using Covenant Eyes for a couple of years on my laptops and desktops and have been very pleased. The iPhone app is pretty decent, although it’s (understandably) slower than Safari. The only other annoyance is that there’s no way to set it as your default browser, so if you click on a link in, for example, your email, it won’t automatically open Cov’t Eyes like it normally would with Safari; you have to copy and past the link instead. All in all though, the benefit of accountability far outweighs these minor bits, so I would definitely recommend this one.|I have had an iPhone since last February, but have just started using Instapaper (Pro) and GoodReader. The first is for reading longform web articles, like a NYT feature. It allows you to save them from your main computer or iPhone within any web browser for reading later, and then access them whenever. The autoscroll and night vision are excellet features I wish Apple and others would imitate. GoodReader allows me to download and read PDFs, much like the Kindle app, including full-length books. Both save your place if you’re interrupted. I wish I’d had both of these months ago.|A few more good apps (though I’m too lazy to provide links):|I’m using Pocket Informant Lite to get around the functionality issues with Google and the default iPhone calendar. It comes with great to do list options, too. I’m considering upgrading to the full version soon.|Thanks Andy. Have you had a chance to use the Olive Tree Bible app at all? Any thoughts on comparisons with the Logos app?|Garrett, I haven’t used the various Olive Tree apps because my understanding is that Logos can do everything they can and more (esp. if you use Logos 4) for free. I may be wrong on that.|Hi, I dealt with the issue of accountability specifically on my site here. It’s great to have the Covenant Eyes app though I haven’t tried the others. One big problem with internet accountability on the iPhone is that many of the apps have embedded browsers (i.e. push a button within the app and it opens an unmonitored version of the safari browser within the app). A porn addict can use the iPhone but must be very diligent to only install apps that do not allow browsing within them. This is now much easier with the CE and other dedicated browsers.|I have been using iPhone for 5 months. Switched to all Macs at home and church 1.5 yrs ago. Andy, thanks for the tip on Mint. Tim, thanks for tip on Simplenote. Re Dropbox, doesn’t Mobile Me do much of this?|Yes, Dragon dictation is awesome, as is it’s counterpart, Dragon Search. And the Accountability recommendations are great as well; glad to see some discussion in this area. I do wish that a solution existed akin to NetNanny on my Mac. Several apps do have embedded non-safari browsers (Facebook, Tweetdeck, and several of the File storage solutions and e-readers) and therefore are not affected by current solutions. I know this is an OS limitation. I wish apple would rate all apps that can possibly browse the web in a restrictable category. Anyone know if this is possible now? My wife clears my history files in Safari once a week(you can delete the entire history but not individual sites; so if the history is gone you have some explaining to do). This has worked for me for some time.|Andy, you have any problems with your case impeding the GPS functionality? Seems like when I had a case, it had a hard time locating the satellites.|Great post, Andy! You mentioned Dragon Dictation, which I really enjoy. I like Dragon Search tooi like how it pulls from several platforms at once. I would highly recommend Evernote. I love how it syncs with my laptop. Many times I’ll type a reminder out and place it in Evernote to reference later. A few others that I like are the Amazon Kindle app, the Livestrong app to track food consumption and exercise activity and the OpenTable app. My boys love the white board drawing apps.|Have you all tried the Mantis Sutdy Bible app.?|Wow, Andy… and others. What a post! Thanks for all the tips! I’m getting an iPhone as soon as I have a job (hoping to be able to afford a data plan).|Does anybody know of a good app for Greek and Hebrew flash cards on the iphone?|I highly recommend Byline. Its a flawless app for accessing and syncing with your Google Reader. I noticed you use your browser for that, but this is a superior app in my experience.|Great post and comments. Someone asked about flashcards, Bill Mounce has posted an announcement on his teknia.com website about an iPhone/Blackberry app called iFlipr. It’s a generic flashcard app that you can build decks for and then post them online for free … well, someone has done that for most if not all his material and even organized them by chapter.|Try “mental case” for flashcards. You pay a small fee for the app and then you can download all kinds of cards or put in your own. It works great and looks really good, too. There are all kinds of language cards in their database (flashcardexchange).|Hi Andy Really appreciate all your effort in providing the many resources that I found from you. Interested to know if you have an iPad and what you have found useful about it an iPad equivalent of your iPhone post? Thanks Christo Beetge|Angry Birds RULE! …also on the Nokia N900.|Downloaded ‘Angry Birds’ onto my iPhone a couple of days ago and when I began playing it tonight it froze and then my iPhone also froze. I turned it off and let it cool down but now the app won’t load at all. What next?|Hi Kate,I’ve had similar issues w/ other apps, but not Angry Birds. In my case, usually something got corrupted during the download or install process, and a simple delete/re-download did the trick. You could try this yourself. If you’ve never done this before, it will appear as if you are buying the app again, but don’t worry, once it starts downloading you will see a message that says something like “you already purchased this title, would you like to download it again”. After downloading it and letting it install you may want to power off/on your iPhone again. Please reply and let mw know if this fixes the issue. Thanks for visiting the site and Good luck!|The red bird in the top picture should be shown wearing a cape and bashing through that pig castle SUPER ANGRY BIRD|Reading this makes my deicsnios easier than taking candy from a baby.|i fucking love this game …… ray otero|crazy birds talks about the hundreds of levels. I bought the app for my IPhone, I only have 5 levels and the golden eggs. Where are the rest of the hundred levels they talk about|Ahhh, I think you are confusing the level packs with the actual levels themselves. Within each of those 5 level packs are 63, 42, 45, 45 and 48 levels respectively, for a total of almost 250 individual levels!|Although I bought this game I really regret|As much as I have enjoyed the original Angry Bird.. I never bought it. Again I downloaded FREE version of Angry Bird Space, but after 2 hours of playing it.. I caved in and bought one. The game was a keeper!|The bumper is a disaster. While I love the aesthetic, the fact that my expensive headphones can’t plug in through it is a deal killer. Also, neither of my cars’ ipod docks can plug into the iphone4 through the bumper.|Griffin Reveal Etch ($30) is the prettier sibling of theGriffin Reveal, a see-through case we reviewed last week. The Etch shares an identical rubber border, but in place|Top 20 Cases for the iPhone 3G Written by Alan. Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2009, at 7:53 am. Filed under iPhone 3G Cases, iPhone 3G S Cases, iPhone 3GS. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Post a comment or leave a trackback.|Hi. I was just wondering if anyone had the otterbox defender or switcheasy capsule rebel and what they thought of it. love the help.|I have a switcheasy capsle rebelM for a iPhone 3gs and it is the best. I also suggest the vision clip2 it works great with the new capsle rebel|I had the defender and it was great. I dropped it many times and the phone was perfectly protected and it never got a scratch. I got rid of the case when I got rid of the iphone (stupid move). I now have a 3GS and will be getting the otterbox again.|Have a 3gs with the ottorbox. It does what it says the iphone rep at AT&T sold me on it when he chucked his iphone against a wall in the store and had me pick it up and check it out. GREAT case. My only 2 complaints are that its bulk (thickness not weight) keep it from plugging into most aftermarket docks. I have to take it out of the case in order to use a backup battery pack for it. The regular sync/charge cable works just fine though. Also the silent switch on the side is easily turned off, but turning it back on requires me to use a ballpoint pen to flip it. Other than that it’s wonderful.|I have the 3GS and with that, the otterbox defender series. It is amazing, definitely holding up to it’s name. I dropped it in the mall parking lot, a vehicle had to stop for me to get it ( haha ). My iPhone did amazing flips on that pavement. I assumed the worst, but when I picked it up, there wasn’t not only nothing done to the phone, but even the case itself was flawless. My otterbox is white, so I thought it would at least discolor it( but it didn’t:) The only complaint I have would be the built-in screen protector which due to static causes the film to stick to the screen.|My 3yr old daughter has an iPod touch and we have had the Invisible shield by ZAGG on it since day one, which was about a year ago. On top of that case we put a swiss mobility plastic case, which isn’t made anymore. You can imagine what your phone would look like if you gave it to a 3yr old and her dog. The invisible shield and case have stood up against the many tough times it has been dropped AND chewed on by both my daughter and the dog. I just sold my 2G iPhone which had a generic screen protector, did okay at keeping scratches off but the protector got nicked and scratched itself which was ugly. My daughters iPod screen protector still looks like the day I put it on. I also had the Macally Hard leather case over the entire body of the phone. The case is CRAP!! There is still a way for dirt, sand, and other foreign objects to get in between the case and the phone and scratch it. The metal backing also started to come off, which to me proves that the case did nothing to protect my phone. It actua|lly probably made it worse. I am waiting for my new 3GS to come in the mail, meanwhile I’m going to order the ZAGG and possibly the otterbox defender.|The IvySkin Quattro-T1 is the best all around case I have used. It is one of the only cases that has a protective glass screen protector. Other than the obvious areas, it is almost completely covered and adds almost nothing to the dimensions. That case coupled with the belt clip accessory is by far my choice.|Who in the world would buy an iPod for a three yr old?|- #9 by VEN on February 20th, 2010|LOL for real….What a waste of a new phone lol|I have the otter box it is the best case in the whole wide world nothing can beat it its great|Quote VENWho in the world would buy an iPod for a three yr old?|i have more apps on my iphone for my 3 yr old then me……|I totally agree, I had to buy an iPod Touch for my 5 and 2 year old so they would leave my iPhone alone. They have more apps than I do! (Educational ones, of course 😉 )|I have had my otterbox defender for a while now. I do love that it protects it like it says it does. The only problem is that it makes the phone way to bulky. I also had the problem with the screen protector sticking. I switched from a regular screen protector to one that is non glare. That solved the problem and I loved this screen protector much betterType your comment here K :|I absolutely LOVE my Otterbox!!! I really liked my thin case I had because it wasn’t so bulky and was a lot lighter. But I am glad I switched back to my Otterbox. A few days after switching, I dropped my phone at least 5 times during the week chasing after a 2 year old! And I too, had the problem with “oil slicks” on my screen until I changed my screen protector to a non-glare type. It is so worth the money and a lot less than replacing my phone!|I personally own an otter box defender and although it is a great case the size is definitely a down fall. You can throw it drop it bump it slide it and it even allows your phone to come in contact with water for a short period of time, although I wouldn’t recommend it. Even though I love the otter box I am looking to buy the switcheasy neocapsule so any current owner feedback would be extremely helpful!|the .m4r file does not get transferred as a ringtone, it is in the “Music” folder of iTunes. I double checked all original song clips (and copies) were deleted. Any guidance?|this may sound crazy, but i’m new to this, and it worked fine until step #17, because i don’t know where the files are stored! and this doesn’t tell me how to find the files . . . can you help?|Great step-by-step, but when I created my AAC version, the file was generated but played no sound. Any ideas??|the image at 24. kinda freaked me out…I couldn’t figure out how you knew my name was Alan..then I realised YOUR name is Alan! Thanks, Alan.|This worked! I LOVE making ringtones!,! Thank thank thank u!!,|Same problem as #20. Only have the original and the m4r version, yet it wont transfer to ringtones’. Gutted!|i see a couple other people seem to have this problem, but i don’t see a solution: i followed all the steps, deleted the original aac file, i have a ringtones tab and i can see the ringtone in it on itunes, but when i go into the settings on my phone it’s not showing as a ringtone option 😦 i’m using the 3gs, any ideas?|my comp wont let me copy the file. even if i use the control c.any ideas?|It appears in iTunes as if it is on the iPhone but i don’t know how to find it in the device itself|Thanks for the great steps…I am having the same problem as Amanda (#28)…I see it in my iPhone ringtones folder but it isnt showing up on my iPhone 3gs….Been at this for 3 days now!! Really want my ringtones back!! Thanks!!|I’ve been using this for awhile with no problems and recommended to many others. I recently noticed, with all the syncing I’m doing between several other Apple products, I’ve lost the full version of the songs that I turned into Ringtones. I’m changing the artist and album name of the Ringtone to see if that solves the problem. I’m uploading the full versions that I have on CD, but have lost the music that I had purchased. Is it me or is this a new glitch? Thanks|Does not work for m4p songs? Is there a way to convert to m4a so that I can create an AAC version?|Thanks mate. Just what I was looking for…|I followed the instructions to a T. Deleted the AAC version before moving back to itunes for the ringtones but it doesn’t appear in ringtones. goes right back into the library with the full version of the song.|One of my problems is that I see that the ext is m4a and not m4r. I don’t know where to find the option to change the ext. I’ve tried re-naming and it ends up being …m4a.m4r. a double ext so to speak.|NEVERMINDI played around and found what I needed and it’s finally working!!!! Thank you so much for your wonderful instructions and visual aids!!|credits to: Arf of The iPhoneTweet Categories: iPhone How-to & Tutorial Tags: iTunes, Mac,|hmm. this wasnt working for me so i was following the instructions on troubleshooting. when i drag the ringtone to the iphone it does not show up in ringtones, only on the music tab. sorry new to this and confused. would welcome help! thanks|THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! I really appreciate your effort!|I got as far as it showing up as music on my IPhone4 but not in the settings, ringtones until I went back to iTunes, right clicked on the ringtone in the ringtone folder and chose consolidate. Re-synched and boom there it was in the settings, ringtones.|So frustrated, I see that everyone has had good luck and I am going over and over the steps and when I sync, it does not show up in ringtones. I have renamed it, it is only 15 sec, it is a m4.r file. I have a iphone 4s, is maybe the 4s having trouble with these steps. ugh.. I have been at this all day|Me thinks it’s now broken or fixed…I’ve used this method several times before, but after numerous attempts to create a ringer, i’ve had no luck. FML…|Scratch that, i just figured out that Windows 7 wasn’t displaying the file extensions and i had to manually enable that before i could create a ringer. Hope this helps some ppl.|Yes! Thank you so much for making this incredibly easy!|Hey thanks alot for the guide. An easy question requiers such a hard answer… helped allot keep it up dude|AWESOME!! Thank you so much for this!! Great detail for both mac and windows. Keep up the good work!|I was able to change my clip to m4r and I successfully deleted the other one, im having trouble “adding file to itunes” I go to add to library and I see all my other music including my short file and all my reg music is there but the short clip is in a different shade and im not able to select it. ugh Im so frustrated this is not working for me!!|I skimmed through the question and didn’t find one similar to mine. I went through all the steps successfully but each time I tried to sync it to my iPhone, I was told it was too long?!! Each song was 20 seconds or less. Someone please help!|can not get this to work since i have updated to 5.10 op?? Maybe yall can give me some insight into what might work now.|I have a Mac, but not an iPhone. Does this work for use on an Android phone? Thanks!!|These instructions could work for Android if you didn’t turn the clip into an m4r, but rather an mp3 (Android doesn’t support m4r ringtones). So in Step 6, you’d select MP3 encoder instead of AAC. Then ignore the steps where you change the file types into m4r. However, please note that because Android phones are all different, getting the ringtone onto whatever type of Android phone you have could be challenging.|doesn’t work. my itunes (on my mac) does not have a “ringtones” listed in the library and I can not drag and drop between multiple windows so none of the troubleshooting options are viable. it appears that some vital steps are missing.|I got the file made, but I cannot get it into the ringtones, when I import it back into iTunes it goes into the music folder…I did delete the original AAC version from my iTunes library…|Got there in the end, but after much cursing and fiddling. The song I chose isn’t very loud. I noticed an option to increase the volume of the music when doing the AAC thing but it’s still not LOUD enough. Anything else I can do to increase the volume level of the song. Phone ringer volume is on full as well. Or is it just a case of the levels the song was originally recorded at?|I get up to step 25. I dont have a tones or ringtones bar. Help|Sara, make sure Ringtones are showing in iTunes. In iTunes, go to Preferences >General and in the “Show” section, make sure the checkbox next to Ringtones is checked.|Step by step instruction in plain English and clear illustrations.|all of those things are checked and they show up on the left side bar but dont have any options when you click on them.|Thanks for this guide, worked perfectly! It’s only my second day with my new iPhone 4 (switched from Android), so I’m still feeling a little lost. Luckily, this guide is spot on. Thanks so much…I simply do not pay for ringtones. :-)|thanks i got close but no ringtone’ list on the itune listing. i guess it does not open up the folder unless you firs BUY a ring tone. Why is it so complicated/ it was easy with my old non smart phone. oh well i’ll try again later.|followed the step by step guide, the ring tone shows up in the ringtones on my iphone 4s, once it is set as a ringtone it wont ring?|Thanks! I followed the easy instructions and now I have a customized ringtone! Love it! :)|3gs here….cannot copy & paste to music folder….(step 18). :(|I’m stuck on step 19 😦 my itunes does not give an option for Tools or Organize…any suggestions?|Other so called or claimed wizzos explain how to put custom ringtone onto iphone 4s but it never works. I’ve spent hours getting info, creating I don’t know how many ACC files, dragging and dropping everything but a tray of coffee and it still doesn’t work. But this site worked first time. Outstanding and if the owner of this site reads this I would like to say THANK YOU.|I have done everything you have said and my iphone will not give me the option of setting it as a ringtone. It shows up in the music and everything i just can’t get it to appear in the list of options.|I am having trouble with step 19. I am a mac user, could you please help?! thanks you :)|Im having trouble with step 25. there just simply isnt any section called ringtones at all.|This might sound really dumb, but is there anyway to save the ringtone to send to a non iPhone? I don’t have one, but all my ringtones suck and I really don’t want to buy any because I’m super cheap haha.|I’m having trouble with step 19, where do I find the song on my computer???|absolutely spot on……..perfect step by step instructions. Thank You!!!!!|When I get to the step for creating the AAc version, the option is grayed out under Advanced. I can’t select it?|Having problem with step 22…. it will not import the .m4r file into iTunes so it doesn’t show up in library. Also step 25…. tones or ringtones does NOT show up anywhere in iTunes. SO FRUSTRATED!|Having problems with step 22… .m4r file will NOT import into iTunes. I have done it exactly step by step according to this tutorial multiple times! It wont import! Also, Ringtones or Tones doesn’t show up ANYWHERE on my itunes. So FRUSTRATED!|How to delete ringtones after loading them onto your iphone this way? cant find a way?|So great. I wish all instructions were as accurate and this easy to follow.|What if i don’t see the iTunes menu at the top, or left side of the File menu???|After reading loads of forums and lists of instructions, these were clear and and accurate. Brilliant. Thanks|Step 25? There is no ringtone or tone button on my itunes. Nor is there one in the sidebar. Please help :)|Great, great , great job mate. well done & thanks|It appears that the iPhone 4 can only be charged with the regular Apple charger and you cannot use portable or stand up type chargers with this phone. Anyone have a solution?|Will this case work with the iphone 4 dock or the earlier iphone docks??|Thanks for your help. You saved me from purchasing the iphone 4 dock, since it costs AUS$39 as i live in Australia. I’ll look at purchasing the simplifi now.|I use my iphone to hook up to my home receiver using a 3.5mm jack that splits into the white/red ends. It has the same plug as headphones, but is not round at the base like headphones. Will the 3.5mm jack fit into the phone with the case on?|Oh no!!! I’ve just ordered this case… But I have Sennheiser branded earbuds with L shaped jack!!! What’s the model of yours??? I hope mine will fit in it!!!|Argh!! Mine are CX 300 II … Maybe the jack of series II is smaller?? I’ve compared them with the white Apple headphones and they are nearly the same size… I must measure them with a caliber when I find one! Anyway, I love them too!! Fantastic sound!!|Try a google search of Ist and 2nd series…|They seem to have a different jack… Yours Are a 1st or a 2nd series?? I can’t put links to the images here…|Yes, fortunately mine is different… But you can consider selling your on eBay or somewhere else to buy the II nd series… I love them… They’re great!! And in my opinion they also look better;-)|I have that exact case and am extremely happy with it. Yes the back has significant scratching on it (which I think came like that out of the box.) As far as the ringer switch is concerned, if I can get my fat sausage fingers to move that switch, then almost anybody can. In addition, it is the only case I could find that gave as much protection as it does without being oversized.|I bought this case along with my 4, and I’ve had (in less than a month)( they same scratching and button problems. My main complaint is that the case edge around the camera reflects the flash back toward the lens, resulting in blurry photos with t huge lens flare! And given how “durable” (read- hard to remove) the case is, it’s useless for those times when you really want to take a low-light photo. Of course, like any other case it doubles the bulk of the phone, which can be good or bad- I happen to like the extra heft as I’m prone to losing my phone in deep pockets. The stiffness of the shell leads me to feel as if I am going to snap my phone when I try to remove it, so I guess it’ll be on there for a while!|iMeshi Japanese food cases are suitable for the iPhone 3G, 3GS and the iPhone 4. They’re now available for $43.20 each on Strapya world. Just hit the “Buy now”|Super cute Hello Kitty Swarovski Crystal USB flash drive Hello Kitty gadgets are what we always welcome on AskAlexia.com. Here comes a super cute Hello Kitty USB flash drive|Kitty, a series of bags or cases which come with Kitty characters printed, are available for your iPhone 4, iPad, laptop and BlackBerry Bold 9700. The cases come in black which isn’t our favorite|Wow! Those are the most stylish iphone cases I’ve seen in a long while. Such whimsy!|You can never go wrong with Prada! I’ve always love them and YES I’ll definitely get this for my iPhone… (FB)|Hi hi Bagaholicboy! Would love to know how much is one? Love the red one!|If there were no changes to the price, it should be SGD270, but I’ll check again just to be sure. Check back again next week for more updates.|I don’t have an iPhone. So I’m considering it as an Xmas gift for someone who does!|How much is the one in croc? Got pic?|It is the same, except for the fact that there lots of new colours for the X’mas 2011 collection.|Thanks. I have a red one sitting on the shelf waiting for an iPhone4S… Ha! It looks so pretty that I couldn’t resist buying it first.|Can’t wait for the release of prices and also the X’mas gift collection!|Not a blue one? I always end up with blue… but yes, the orange is lush!|Are these covers (and all other Prada X’mas ’11 stuff) only available in Singapore? Please say no? LOL!|LOL! Of course not. They will be available at Prada boutiques worldwide I’m sure.|Hey BB! Would the iPhone covers be available in Prada’s signature “hot pink” too?|lovin’ the orange one! when will it be in stores?|they’re out in stores already! picked up a black one for myself!|Saw the yelllow one at Paragon! Swee ah!|Saw a blue one at paragon. Any idea if it fits iphone 3gs and if its on sale? Planning to get it as a Christmas gift for someone.|It will only fit the iPhone4/4S and some BB models. And no, because it is part of the permanent collection I doubt it will ever be discounted during the sale.|OMG… that is my favourite!!! Love Mr. Marc!|maybe i can buy for next year’s Christmas gifts?|Cool items! Why don’t they sell these at MJ stores here?|Don’t know. Something you got to ask Club21.|BB, sorry if this is a stupid question but these are not available for purchase online right? I can’t seem to find the purchase button.|You can buy selected Special Items online, but I think shipping now is only for the States. And the selection is really limited so I wouldn’t bother anyway.|I would be extremely happy if I can get my hands on the wallet! Hahaha…|Okay, I imagine that the ski tote will be a wonderful book bag (although god knows when I will need to carry books around again) and the wallet is just very nice (and affordable!).|I own the other version, and trust me when I say this, the tote will definitely overwhelm you. Best left to the tall and burly types.|I am so dying to lay my hands on the laminated cotton tote. I love the special item range, but really sad to know Spore don’t stock them.|Anyone looking to buy a selected range of the Special Items over at Hong Kong can head to down to the Marc By Marc Jacobs Flagship Store in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Don’t bother looking around the other stores in HK cause they don’t have them. And if you possibly want all of the special items, Bleeker Street at NY is the place to visit!|Hi there. Bumped into your great blog here when I googled Marc by Marc Jacob. Anyways, are the bags made in USA or France?|I’m pretty sure that the pieces from the Special Items collection are made in China. Or India.|I think i might have to get this and the iPad case… (FB)|Wow will it fit the iPhone 4? (FB)|From what I’ve been told, yes it will.|love both iphone and ipad cases from Prada!|Yea, luv tis case I first saw it in Urban last Friday|they fit in Blackberry Bold 9000? and 9700 as well? yay for this!|the shape is abit *hmmmmmm*, the deciding factor will be the price.|agreed with the shape being “hmm”. the bodyline of their ipad case transformed into the dimensions of a iphone 4 would’ve been *perfect*.|God, please let it be available in red…|I like! It’s on my must have list for this Christmas (FB)|I love Prada more and more. Please let it fit iPhone 4!!|Ok guys I checked again and I’ve been informed that the iPhone4 case will retail for SGD270 in SG.|BB, when will this be available? I so wanna get one. So sexy!|My friend holding one prada iphone 4 case from italy but its slightly different from the picture. It is rectangular in shape.|Hi there, when will the iphone cover and ipad be released in singapore?|P.S. you can get this from London airport for GBP77 (duty free)|I have had one of these on order at the Prada store since before Christmas… they still do not have them, and the SA said they may only get 4 or 5 !|what is the product code for this case???|i would like to get the prada iphone casing. how should i go about getting it?|You buy it direct for your local Prada store? I’m not selling anything here.|Where can I buy one of these skins? Can you post the link?|The thing with Paul Frank is that its ageless. With pop art designers, it looks like its for kids, but you take a look at the price tag or the artists and you realize some of the stuff is for adults. Totally go for the orange one, such a rich color.|but most of all: i’m glad you folded & are now an iPhone-owner.|Thanks! This really helps! For anyone interested, you can reduce the number of steps by downloading the beta version of audacity, which can allow you to directly export into .m4a. This would make it as easy as choosing a file, cutting, export, and rename!|I get lost at 4. with ffmpeg.. I can only gather that one has to have ffmpeg on their pc.. hmm and using run -> cmd It looks like a great guide except I can’t make the leap to part 4. in your guide.|I JUST got the I4 and I really this. Used Otterbox b4 on my 5 berry’s and this is a must have. Cant leave my new phone naked. Pick me.|i so need this! i drop my phone like its my job and i am so afraid that will do some damage to it i bought a different case but it didnt support the phone the way the otterbox looks like it would. I need a case that is me-proof!|YAY!! Looking forward to getting my Otterbox for my new Verizon iPhone!! Will they be available online only or in stores as well? If just online, how long does it take to ship & receive? Thanks so much!|Three reasons why my iphone needs protected.. 1. My three year old 2. My five year old. 3. My husband. I’ve had the phone for about 36 hours, and already, my family has been itching to play with it! It’s not that I don’t trust them.. Okay, I DON’T trust them.. Not yet anyways.. Not until I know my iphone is protected from the ones I love the most.|My iPhone can’t live without Otterbox protection, because it wants to be outdoors. I’m an active Boy Scout leader who enjoys participating in activities with my scouts. The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared”. With my Otterbox Defender, my iPhone is always prepared for any activity. Thanks for a great product!|I’m in the army and wherever my iPhone is with me it is getting beat up by the harshest climates. Endless hours in the field, only the otterbox cuts it.|My iphone 4 cannot live without its OtterBox because I can’t live without my grandchildren. The first thing they want to do when they see me is look at my pictures No Worries Otter keeeps their hands only in safe places.|I am in desperate need if an Otterbox, I have three girls ages 4, 2 and 1 who all fight over my iPhone. I can just picture it flying through the air one day in the middle of a power struggle and it landing on the ceramic tile!! I can honestly say that an Otterbox would be truly put to the test in my house!!!|You keep it up now, undresatnd? Really good to know.|I have never had an OtterBox before but my friends highly recommend it for such a brittle phone and I’ve seen it in action. It offers protection what a clumsy person like me needs to protect my newly acquired phone. I need one and I want one. That’s why I cannot live without an OtterBox defender.|My Iphone 4 can not live without otter box because of 2 amazing reasons.. There names are Ethan and Noah… My 3 and 1 year olds!!! Otterbox is the best protection ever for even the roughest little boys!!!|Car seats are to babies as Otterbox is to iPhones. You don’t just throw baby in the back seat and floor it (unless ur Brittney Spears).|the otterbox really rocks cause i drop my iphone around elephants, highways, warzones, & natural disasters. cant beat that protection.|I cannot live without OtterBox Protection because, it’s stylish, user friendly and I TRUST OtterBox that it will protect my iphone, when in any action that it may fell of my hands/pockets, it will protect my iphone without any harm.|I am a coordinated person but I’m a complete spaz- re: care for my phone. OtterBox protection will help to change my reputation as a spaz.|one of best phones by one of the best cases in the world|I must have the defender to protect my phone from my twin babies that get into everything and have broken 2 OtterBox-less phones already!|My iphone got here early! It’s so naked!!And so vulnerable to my let’s say a clumsy life! I need an otterbox SO FAST! No case that can match it!|I have 3 children and a klutz for a husband who all love my iphone. My soon to be one year old uses it as a chew toy any chance he has. My 3G wouldn’t have survived 2 years without an otterbox. (I continually recommend it to all my mommy friends.) I’m upgrading to the 4 and need the same level of protection.|My Iphone Cannot live without otterbox protection because I got 2 kids that love to drop my phone. Been few times its been knocked off the desk and I never worry because I know its got the protection of otterbox.|Well I have been patiently waiting for over 4 years to get the VZW iPhone and I will have it in my hands tomorrow morning! I need the Otterbox Defender so I can keep my iPhone safe and secure for a very long time. Sometimes I am a clutz and I drop my cell, but with the Defender I can rest easy knowing it will be protected from the shock of impact, along with the dust and humidity it is protected from.|My phone always seems to find it’s way to the bottom of my purse and it needs protection from that kitchen sink my husband says I carry in there.|iPhone 4, I’m made of glass; easy to break! I’m scared to death, there’s a lot at stake! It’s ok; I have no more fear, Because tomorrow my Otterbox Defender is here!|My iPhone needs an Otterbox b/c I’m a therapist for kids w/behavioral disorders & you never know when it’ll be thrown across the room!|The big question is when OtterBox cases will be available for the Verizon iPhone.|I too am waiting to hear from Otterbox on when the Verizon 4 defender cases will be available! Are they even working on new cases?|We will start evaluating options as soon as we can get a device, Tim. Keep an eye on our website or Facebook page for updates!|I want to ensure that I have a case for my new iPhone as soon as I get it. When will OtterBox be saying if the current cases will fit, or announce that they have a new one for Verizon models?|i just called and they are workin on it should be out in next couple weeks and in week able to get email updates about it also the case is slightly different for verison and att!|Hey Chris, the word i’m getting from the Verizon side is that there are minute modified adjustments in button placement. However, the word I’m getting from the Otterbox Representative is that the same otters are going to be in play for the VZW iPhone 4. But right now, I’m leaning towards my VZW informants who have ears higher up on the food chain than most.|I’m with everyone else. I’ve heard that otterbox is the case I should have for my verizon iphone. =)|I guess I will be purchasing a case from another company. Unfortunately, I can not wait months for them to make a case for Verizon’s Iphone 4 because I need a case immediately after I recieve my phone to protect it from scratches,drops, etc. Sucks! Does anyone know of any other good case companies?|My understanding is that the wait will not be that long, Kandy. I expect that many other companies are dealing with similar challenges as we: needing the device in hand to make sure we have a solution that will deliver the protection you expect!|Thanks for the responses. I agree with you Chelsee, I’ll purchase a temporary case from else where until I can purchase an otterbox, I just hope the wait isnt extremely long becuase I’ve heard so many good things about this company’s products.|i cant beleive otterbox does not know yet if there case will work|We know the existing option will NOT work for the Verizon iPhone. The buttons were moved just enough that we will need to make some changes to our cases to ensure the precision fit and amazing OtterBox protection. We are working to have options for the Verizon iPhone 4 available as soon after the launch as we can!|I bought a otter box on ebay for the ipgone 4 for Verizon can I switch it out for a iphone 4 otter box for Verizon.|You will have to contact the eBay dealer since your purchase was through them for a refund. OtterBox cases for the Verizon iPhone are not yet available, but we are working on them!|I was wondering if and when will OtterBox be coming out with a case for the new Verizon iphone 4?|We are working on options now and hope to have them available as soon after the device launches as we can. We have prioritized development of the Defender Series case, so that should be available first, with the Commuter Series and Impact Series cases available later|I plan on buying the otter case that’s already out for the iPhone. Walmart where I live have the defender series for 40 bucks which is a pretty good deal. And since it’s Walmart I can return it at anytime doesn’t hurt to try.|Do you know a time window of how long the defender will be available for verizon iphone after launch moreless?|I don’t, unfortunately. Much will depend on how quickly it passes testing, gets shipped & inspected, etc. For us (& our customers too), tomorrow wouldn’t be too soon, but we don’t want to rush quality!|Read all the other damn posts before asking stupid questions.|wow people, way to ask the same question over and over w/o ever reading “otterbox’s” responses… Got some real winners on this website|Yes, the only case (in my knowledge) that is available is the Case-Mate cases which are specifically designed for the Verizon iPhone 4. However, i do not like the designs and color choices of Case-Mate’s cases for the Verizon iPhone 4 and i hope you good people at Otterbox can deliver a top-notch product.|I have every confidence that we will have something that will wow’ you soon!|God is love, Rev Run. Bring on the iPhone4 Verizon case!|Why are there so many different otterbox cases being made for the verizon iphone 4? Will one protect better than the other or is it the style that differs?|We have several options because our customers are very different in their needs! Our Defender Series case is our highest level of protection, is fully enclosed and comes with a holster/belt clip. Next in line is our Commuter Series case: slightly less protection and a slimmer look. The Impact Series case is a durable single layer of bumper style protection. Hope this helps!|Definitely need a blue/white combo defender case for the Verizon iPhone.|Will the new verizon iphone 4 defenders have a tighter silicon case? I have read a lot of reviews that the current one is too loose. Thanks.|We have reworked the silicon for the current iPhone Defenders so that it doesn’t stretch as easily. This reworked silicon will make its way to the Verizon compatible cases as well!|Hey Otterbox! Thanks so much for working on this! I love your defender cases & would want nothing else for my first iphone.|Will the current defender case fit the Verizon iPhone? I really like the white and black. If not, when will a case be available?|No, the Verizon version is just enough different (buttons moved) that it won’t work. We are developing a case for the Verizon version now and hope to have it as soon after the phone launches as we can. We have prioritized development of the Defender Series, so we expect to have that one available first with the other options later on.|Ok. But will the defender come in multiple colors?|I am awaiting confirmation of that, Weslee. Initially I expect we will offer black, but we hope to have other options available as well.|Purchasing the Verizon Iphone at launch tomorrow…..Will Otterbox have the defender series in the next few days…Cant wait to long|Isn’t tomorrow just pre-order w/availability on 10th? Anyhow, we are working hard to have the Defender Series case available as soon after launch as we can. Our email notification sign up form went live today on our home page, so sign up!!|No, the pre-order that begins in about an hour is for existing customers only and those devices that are pre-ordered will be delivered to the purchaser on or before February 10th.Anxiously awaiting news of the new cases!!!|My iphone arrived YESTERDAY 2/7 so please hurry up Otterbox, I’m waiting!!|I am pre- ordering the iphone soon.. when do you think (if you gave an estimate) would be the time when the defender series would come out.. and will it have warranty on it if the iphone breaks inside the defender series you guys will replace the broken iphone with a new one for free?|If i have purchased a regular iPhone 4 case for the Verizon iPhone, can i exchange it for a Verizon iPhone case when they come out?|I am not sure how this works, iPhone owner. I would recommend giving our customer support Otters a call at 888.695.8820; they can assist you with next steps!|I just pre- ordered my verizon Iphone 4 32 G this morning but it won’t arrive until the 10th of Feb. So hurry, hurry hurry otterbox and get going I need a CASE!|Correct, it will not be available until 2/10. I just signed up for email notification of defender availability. I know you’re tired of addressing this, but… Will it be available before 3/10/11?|Unfortunately I don’t have an ETA to offer you… but we certainly hope so!|OtterBox: My fella is rough on his phone. His OtterBox Defender came as a promotional item when he got his Blackberry last summer. He is so impressed with it, not only does he insist every future phone of ours will have it, but he demonstrates to people who ask (and some who don’t) about his case. He has thrown it down many places and tossed it about on worksites to prove his point. At Christmas, he threw it down the aisle at Target to demonstrate why a lady who purchased two iPads as gifts should invest in the Otterbox product. She put down the flimsy cases he was holding, smiled and thanked him and verified where she could get hers and off she went.I am nervous to go long without a case but I will be extra, extra, extra careful with my new Verizon iPhone until OtterBox comes out with the Defender Case. Worth every penny!Thank you!P.S. So close to tracking down an OtterBox decal for his truck for how much he loves it.|I’m glad! We have tons of his Proud Papa OtterBox stories. He loves demonstrating how much of a BASOB OtterBox Defender cases are!And thank you! I am so excited! I have e-mailed you!|I’m a fan of the iPhone 4 cases where the leg (stand) pops out. My biggest issue is whether I should get a case for the iPhone 4S. I paid the $99 for the Apple Care + coverage which allows me up to 2 replacement handsets after paying the $49 deductible. If you factor in the cost of a good case ($40) plus invisible shield on the front/back ($35), you’re looking at spending $75 versus just paying the $50 deductible and having your phone replaced entirely. I think the third party case market for iPhones will take a hit if people start doing the math on the case/shield protections. Hopefully it’ll make companies lower their prices on cases and shields so we all win.|To whom this may concern, I cannot seem to find a link to purchase the Products listed on your website. Can you please direct me And if they are not for sale, do you know where I can purchase them.|i want to buy cases for my iphone 4 kindly reply az soon az possible ..how to order ?|Where can I buy the Gucci iPhone Case Cover for iPhone 4 4G Sieve Design from as I cannot find it anywhere for sale?|F*ckin? remarkable things here. I am very happy to peer your post. Thanks a lot and i am having a look ahead to contact you. Will you kindly drop me a e-mail?|Very good and descriptive review.. Thanks for the review..|I never thought of it that way, well put!|I am really not as well accustomed to this subject but I do prefer to have a look at blogs for layout recommendations and fascinating topics. You seriously described a matter that I ordinarily do not care substantially about and created it fairly fascinating. That is a great blog that I will take note of. I already bookmarked it for long term reference.|Hi, this is a comment. To delete a comment, just log in and view the post’s comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.|Nice custom designs. I am saving money to buy iPhone, really excited about it :)|If i make a design for my iphone..can i print it? with wich materials… i will like to make it all myself! i have a skin for my iphone with one of my designs, but i had to send to some people specialized in printing that kind of skins.|Well it requires an adhesive to stick to the iPhone but you need to be careful that the adhesive won’t damage the phone casing itself. I don’t know of a specific guide, the stores exist because it’s easier.|These Iphone 4 skins are all so beautiful! I just love the Volcano one or Feather Brain or Festival, they are all amazing! ;)|Thanks. It was like making a pancake, easy and simple with the instructions mentioned.|You just HAD to pick Holiday didn’t you?|This works great! Thanks for the tip. I’ve been looking for something to do this.|This isn’t working for me. I can convert the songs based off the guide perfectly. It even shows up in Itunes under the Ringtones section but after doing the Sync, it’s not on the phone???|also covers mac and not just windows. Makes a lot of suggestions on how to fix things if ringtones don’t work right.|the longest ringtone you can have is actually 40 seconds. if it’s under 40 seconds, you are good.|GREAT TIP!! Current way of getting iPhone ringtones is ludicrous. Silly question but I hate having all these random files everywhere. ARe any of the converted files, etc, ok to trash?|So I can convert it to a ring tone easuly but it doesnt move intot he rigtones library it just goes to the music library. Help?|For those people who haven’t been able to get this to work: 1) Have you made sure the ringtone is set to sync in the ringtone tab in the iPhone configuration? 2) Are you sure you’re using a DRM-free song as stated in the instructions?|This doesn’t work for me in Vista. I drag the file over to Ringtones and it does not appear there. Sync is on. Any ideas?|God damn it, I tried it on my Gz one boulder and figured I had a shot, I’ve been screwing around with this for about a half an hour and have been trying to figure this thing out for 3! I’m watching tv. :/|thanks braden…i set all durations to less than 40 seconds and they automatically appear in the ringtone section of the iphone for syncing. i tried this before and dint work because i set the duration too long|Hmmm… This method doesn’t work with some of my audio files. Investigating…|This works great. Thank you for the article. One question though…For certain tunes, the volume was a little low, so I adjusted the volume and the equalizer on the piece I am interested in. But when I convert and change the extension to .m4r, the volume and equalizer adjustments dont seem to have been transferred…Is there a way to retain those in the ringtone or is it not possible ?|It doesn’t show up on the Iphone after conversion and syncing. And yes, I’ve made sure it’s selected for syncing. Any ideas???|And yes, I made sure the file extension was changed…..|As we pointed out in the article… the music has to be DRM-free in order for this to work. That means a lot of songs purchased from iTunes will not work.|I have tried this several time with NO luck, but I would LOVE to get this to figured out.|Song titles need to be short is another thing that should be noted. I was using the full file names and it wasn’t working, shortened them to 1 word names and they appeared on the phone when I resynced.|Works great, just like in the instructions. My ring tones a quiet though. Any way I can make them louder. I turned up the volume in my phone and moved the volume adjustment up to 100% in itunes but still quiet. I even played it in itunes and it even sounds softer than the origional. Any ideas?|For a last step, you should mention re-opening the original audio file and resetting the start and end times to play the full song properly again.|Got it to work! once I shorten the name as suggested by Zed. LJ Neal, look at the picture in step 4 above, the tools he is referring to is on you pc/laptop. Thanks again.|It worked! make sure you change the name of the ringtone to one word! I used the song Still Alive from portal, originally when i named it Portal Ring Tone it would not show up on my phone. After changing the name to just “portal” it worked!|Hi there, I got this to work with an mp3, a little bit of playing around was involved, but I got it to work with a 29 second edited mp3, and also I eddited out all the mp3s info in itune, eg album name, year or release and reclassified it as none, all of this was found in itunes under get info, info hope this helps|This only works in Win XP. Changing the file name extension does not work in Vista. Otherwise good job…|Sorry, if you’re on Vista go to Organize -> Folder and Search Options.| It works perfelly, thanks so mucho!!!!!!!!!!!|Very, very good TIP!!!! I am very happy with this one here! I do recommend…|i followed it, and it worked okay, my iphone synced, but now i cannot find the tone among the ringtones on my iphone… :S|I have made a bunch of ring tones thanks. I have discovered a few short cuts to your method|I just got it to work in Vista. Original mp3 is DRM free, I can name it whatever I like (no need for one word filenames), and it’s about 33 seconds long. The only thing you need to do… AFTER you have copied the file to your desktop and renamed the extension… delete the 30 second clip that you converted from mp3 to aac from your itunes library. Then import the ringtone that you created. Voila!|This works perfectly!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!!|I was having problems with this as well, until I read the comment about making the file name all one word. No spaces, no underscores. I removed the underscores from the files I was using, resynced, and they showed up as “custom ringtones” with the stock factory ringtones. works great now.|So let me get this right. I purchase a song fron itunes for use on my ipod and I want to turn that ALREADY purchased song into a ringtone I have to pay another .99 cents? That is a WRONG Apple, Wrong! I tried this and it didn’t work for me. Operator error maybe?? Did you explain somewhere what a DRM-free file is? I wasn’t sure what it was when I was reading your article; however, I still tried your method. I got an error message the minute I tried to convert to AAC saying that protected files could not be converted to ther formats. Does this have something to do with DRM-free or the lack of? Your advice on this is appreciated. Thanks|I have tried all the steps expect when i try to put the ringtone into my i tunes it does not work can somebody help me please|Thank you so much!!! You’re my savior!! And all those who mentioned changing the file name!! KUDOS!!|Thanks It works great It was easy to follow the instructions and I’m so happy I don’t have to pay $2 to itunes|i couldn’t get it to work (would show up in iTunes as a ringtone and on the iPhone in iTunes, but not in the ringtone menu). But, when I changed the first letter in the title to a capital it showed up on my iPhone and worked.|Perfect, my song had the track number at the begining so took it off and it worked for me (after 2 days of trying to do the whole process!!!) THANK YOU!!|I had the same problem of not getting the converted ringtone (a non-DRM, .m4r file that’s under 30 seconds) from the iTunes to the iPhone. I tried changing the name into a single word, and finally got it to work! Thank you!|i had heaps of trouble with this but as soon as i made the ringtone less than 40 seconds. it then showed up in my ringtone sync list and i even have new newest itunes.|I am new to iPhone, just got it few days ago. I am using iTunes 8. I couldn’t get step 7 to work. When I added file to lib, it is not listed. Anyone?|Just like Double07 above, I’ve downloaded iTunes 8 and I’ve also converted an mp3 to a m4a but then it’s automatically listed as a track in my music folder… instead of being considered as a ringtone…. Any help? Thanks!|Just like Double07 and ecco, I’ve got itunes 8 and windows vista. When I open the file it doesn’t have M4a in the file name to be able to rename it to M4r. Any help?|This works perfectly! Thank you for taking the time to lay out all the screen shots and go step by step. It even works on the September ’08 iTunes update v8.0.0.35! Thanks again, cheers!|does it work with itunes 8 and iphone 3g?|I’ve tried every tip on this site and I can’t get a 3rd song to appear in my custom folder on my iphone. I’m using Vista, iphone 2.1 and itunes 8.0.1. Please give me some hope.|Excellent tutorial! I just bought an iPhone and prior to that I had a SLVR. I used Audacity to make my own ringtones. I guess I could still kind of do it, using a combination of your tutorial and my own methods, but it’s a shame that Apple has to make simple stuff like this such a pain.|Ok all you Vista users. I figured it out. This is step by step! Open iTunes Goto Library and select Music Select Song Listen to song & note time where you want song to start(example 0:50) Stop Song Right click on song which should be highlighted Select GET INFO Select Options Fill in Start and Stop times (ie~ Start 0:50 Stop 1:20 (add 30 sec) Click on OK button Right click again on highlighted song Select CREATE AAC VERSION Highlight 30sec version of song which will appear either above or below the full version of the song Right click highlighted 30sec version Select SHOW IN WINDOWS EXPLORER (2 versions of the song will appear in Windows Explorer. Check size of file if you aren’t sure but ringtone 30sec version should already be lightly highlighted) Right click 30sec version Select RENAME Change .m4a to .m4r & you can also change the name of the song (get rid of any underscores, |asteriks, exlamation points, etc…) Hit ENTER Hit YES Go back to iTunes >Library >Music and highlight the 30sec version Right click and select DELETE Hit REMOVE Select RINGTONES under >Library section Go back to Windows Explorer where your .m4r file is located DOUBLE CLICK ON THE 30SEC .m4r SONG & IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY GO TO iTUNES RINGTONES FILE AND START PLAYING Stop song Goto FILE pull down menu Select SYNC “_____iPhone” While this is being done, you can select Devices ____iPhone which is located on the left hand side to view how your sync process is going Select Ringtones under Devices ____iPhone category to make sure ringtone file is there Now go and apply your new ringtone on your iPhone.|HELP!!! I was able to do everything that the instructions said for me to do and the new version of the song is in my “ringtone” section of iTunes. But there is only one problem…it isn’t showing up on my iPhone and yes, I have my iPhone set up to sync ringtones. I am stumped…and honestly I have been waiting to make this song into a ringtone for months now and finally today I got my first iPhone and am frusterated at the fact that I can’t get my ringtone to show up and work! Does anyone have any pointers or help that they can give??|Speaking of Audacity, check out DJ Nitrogen not free but it’s easy, works every time and uses the Audacity editor.|I am using 8.0035 itunes and 2.1 version on my iphone (I do NOT have the 3G)|How did you know which are the DRM free songs? I manage to convert some songs as ringtones but not others. What does DRM stands for? Please help:)|why cant we have full songs like any other phones?|You are SUPER SUPER GREAT!!!!! Thanks a whole bunch. I was suffering around the net and trying to find how to creat a ringtone and a lot of them show the same procedure like yours but they missed out one step which messed up the whole thing. And that step is that (Organize->Folder and Search option( on Vista) Uncheck the HIDE extensions. Overall….you’re a life saver|as far as i know it dosn’t work with the itunes v.8s so i dont know what to tell you post an answer if you have one|HOW TO GET FREE RINGTONES WITH ITUNES 8 AND THE 2.1 IPHONE FINALLY WORKS|Thanks alot! I think it’s completely unfair to have to pay AGAIN for the privilege of having a custom ringtone for a song you’ve already paid for. Thank you SIR!|I m using XP and has downloading the songs into my itunes (as what has been instructed). However i’m unable to sync into my iphone. HAve checked the boxes for syncing but still not in my iphone. What could have happended? Pls. help.|Like jefchen, I am using XP and have converted 5 files to ringtones btw, nice instruction set. Only one of the ringtones synced in iTunes. My iPhone folder, iTunes, shows them as on my phone and synced properly, but only one ringtone shows up in the menu on the iPhone. Ideas?|yay thanks alot this actually worked, i thought i had to have a jailbroken iphone for this even though it do. anyway thanks alot|SWEET! Thank god this actually works since Apple Canada hasn’t decided to start ripping us off here yet… I’d recommend converting to MP3, and using any editor that way, and then convert the file to m4a using something like MediaCoder(free) and then changing the file extension.|oh and yes that’s on a iPhone 3G (v2.1) using iTunes 8 and Windows XP and it works brilliantly!|I’m stuck. Can’t seem to work it out. Got the Iphone (not 3g) v2.1 and itunes 8 with a MAC. Can’t seem to be able to convert the file to AAC. I see most of the comments are for XP but does anyone know what do with a MAC OS X version 10.4.11. Please please help|You dont need to go through all that to get free iphone ringtones. i know of a site that i have been using that lets you make custom ringtones that are compatible with the iphone.|This is just what I need but for a while couldn’t get it to work. First how to I check if a song (from a bought CD) is DRM free?|I got everything to work, up until changing the ringtone on my iPhone. I saw a few other people had this problem too.|This worked great. One of the things I noticed is missing from the iphone is a NONE ringtone. I found a song that had a few seconds of dead air and selected that segment, followed the instructions and presto, I have a NONE ringtone that I can assign to nuisance callers! Thanks!|Now if I can just figure out how to keep iphone text messages from popping up automatically no matter what application I am on or even on the main menu, that would be fanstastic. Any suggestions??|i live in jamaica, i want to buy from the itunes store.i have a internal visa. but no us mailing adress.any suggestion?|this did not work for me. i tried for 2 hours now. I am giving up.|wow!!! Awesome Job.. Thank you very much this is the first time I’ve done stuff on my iphone and it works!!!! Excellent !!|Created the m4r file just fine with no spaces, starting with capital letter, etc. Shows up in ringtones folder in library, and in list of ringtone/sync all ringtones. After sync, though it is not showing up on my iphone ringtone library no custom folder, nothing. Help please!|THANK YOU (YES I’M SHOUTING!). Worked perfectly. Of course, the ringtones I wanted to make from purchased songs couldn’t be converted as they appear protected, which made me laugh, so I just went crazy converting loads of songs off cds. I’ve been searching since July for an easy step-by-step like yours. Very much appreciated ^^|Whenever I add my ringtone it deletes all of my music which is just lame. it says sync ringtone but all music and tv shows will be deleted. but it did work|Worked like a charm for me, Big Thanks for posting pictures too!!! using IPhone software 2.1|ummm… i have a really dumb question: how do you change a file extension on win xp? everything works great until the renaming. i can’t seem to figure out how to change the m4a to m4r. pleeeeese help, someone!|never mind… went back and reread the instructions and all is good! DUHHHHH!!!|Can anyone help me with this? I can do all of the steps listed above for Vista and it worked! But, I couldn’t get the ringtone to sync with my phone. It took me a while to see where ethe problem lies, but I can see it clearly now. Although I change the file name and extension (with no problem) in Windows, when it loads the ring tone back onto iTunes, it converts it back to the original file name (yes, I delete the original from the library before I double click the new one). The original file name has a space in it, so I cannot get it to sync. Does this mean the song might be DRM? I have no clue how to check that out. Thanks!|THIS WORKS LIKE A CHARM ON USING WINDOWS!!!!! THANX, I WUZN’T ABOUT 2 PAY A DOLLAR 4 EVERY RINGTONE ON A SONG THAT I ALREADY OWNED!!! KEEP UP THA GOOD WORK!!!!|I live in Costa Rica, s
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